

This EMBO Practical Course is aimed at early-stage researchers (PhD students, early PostDocs) with prior expertise in one (or more) of these “omes”...


Protein sequence alignment is a fundamental and widely-used technique in bioinformatics. A new bachelor or master thesis project will enable and...


CUBE member Thomas Rattei is - just as in the past year - among the most cited researchers in the world. Alongside his CMESS colleagues Holger Daims...


Despite ongoing efforts to increase the percentage of renewable energy resources, hydrocarbons (HC), i.e. oil and gas will remain an important energy...


CUBE has moved. We are now situated in the new University Biology Buildung at Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna. The offices of CUBE are located on the 2nd...


Prevotella is a diverse genus that is frequently identified in the human microbiome across different body-sites.


Despite all efforts to switch to renewable energies, fossil fuels will continue to play a role in energy supply for several decades to come. An EU...


We have opened a new project for a bachelor or master project at CUBE:


After Florian Goldenberg's move to the Vienna Scientific Cluster, we were searching for a new IT and system administrator. We were glad to find two :)...


Clarivate analytics has released the Highly Cited Researchers list of 2020. This list contains scientists who are among the 1% most cited researchers...


Roman has very successfully passed the defensio of his dissertation. Roman presented his results on "Hubness in the protein sequence universe" and...


The Doctoral School in Microbiology and Environmental Sciences offers 15 fully funded PhD positions in diverse research areas ranging from molecular...


Our Annual Meeting is the melting pot of the Austrian Life Science Community - a place to listen to renowned speakers, for participants to present...


A team of CUBE and DOME researchers, and 14 other beneficiaries under the lead of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany, have recently...


Adrian Tett has been appointed as new group leader at CUBE. Adrian has worked before as Senior Research Associate in the Computational Metagenomics...