

Andreas graduated in the master course "Genetics and developmental biology" by successfully defending his master thesis today. In his master project...


F1000 member Sebastian Suerbaum recommended our recent article "The 5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman" (Science 2016) as being of...


We are glad to invite you and your collaborators to the 16th Spring School in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. The course will be held at...


Five thousand years ago in the European Alps, a man was shot by an arrow, then clubbed to death. His body was subsequently mummified by ice until...


New master thesis projects are available in Prof. Ines Heiland's group at the University Tromso, the Arctic University of Norway. The projects cover...


A new platform for Bioinformatics in Austria has been established in 2015 and is currently brought into a formal structure. Recently the web portal of...


We wish all our team, our students, and our collaboration partners a happy, successful and peaceful new year!




This years CUBE excursion started in Schwechat. There we visited the OMV refinery, in which about 200 different types of crude oils can be converted...


The accessibility of almost complete genome sequences of uncultivable microbial species from metagenomes necessitates computational methods predicting...


The three divisions CUBE, DOME and TER met for the first retreat of the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science (DMES) from October 5-7 at...


A new version of our Effective database is online available. It features novel and upgraded tools for the prediction of bacterial protein secretion....


We celebrate 5 years of CUBE and invite all recent and former CUBE members and our friends to a BBQ party on Thursday July 2nd. The party will start...
