

A team of CUBE and DOME researchers, and 14 other beneficiaries under the lead of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany, have recently...


Adrian Tett has been appointed as new group leader at CUBE. Adrian has worked before as Senior Research Associate in the Computational Metagenomics...


Even if the University is closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemy, CUBE keeps going on. On Wednesday, April 8, Hans-Jörg Hellinger finished his PhD...


The research platform "Secondary Metabolomes of Bacterial Communities (MetaBac)”, linking the research groups of Sergey Zotchev, Martion Zehl, Alex...


The research platform "Mineralogical Preservation of the Human Biome from the Depth of Time (MINERVA)”, linking the research groups of Ron Pinhasi,...


This EMBO Practical Course is aimed at early-stage researchers (PhD students, early PostDocs) with prior expertise in one (or more) of these “omes”...


The 21st meeting of the Genomic Standards Consortium was hosted by the University of Vienna and CUBE.


CUBE wishes all colleagues and friends a happy and successful new year 2019!


A new paper in Nature BIotechnology introduces quality and data standards for viral metagenomics and genomes of uncultivable viruses.


The Highly Cited Researcher list from Clarivate Analytics recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance,...


The German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) is an annual, international conference devoted to all areas of bioinformatics. This year, the Austrian...


CUBE took a day off on May 28 and toured on segways through Vienna. We started in the first district, visited the Prater and the second district.


Today, Gabi Kaindl is celebrating her 60th birthday. Dear Gabi, we all congratulate and wish you all the best. Thanks for your great work and the...


The paper about the first round of the "Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation" (CAMI) challenge was published in Nature Methods. The...


Dr. Harald Marx is a Bioinformatician by training. During his PhD in Bernhard Kuster's Lab at TU Munich he developed tools and statistical approaches...