The course addresses Ph.D. students and post-docs that look for a compact introduction into the field of computational biology and its application to the big challenge in basic research, genetics and medical applications.
This year, lectures will focus around the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of Data, Big Data, Genetics, and -omics to name a few subjects. Data generation by low-cost, high-throughput sequencing generates unprecedented volumes of data. The challenge to make sense of this new world of information is yet unsolved.
The course aims for a compact but deep introduction into main computational approaches to research fields related to Big Data and Personalized Medicine such as genetics, transcriptomics, information processing, and network analysis with emphasis on data analysis and exploration. Faculty members are experienced experts and will present tutorials and demonstrate how bioinformatics enables biologists to better understand disease mechanisms based on individual etiology from disposition to mechanisms to diagnostic markers. The intended audience addresses molecular biologists with interest in aspects of computational data analysis from concepts to applications. For a short introduction into the subject and a preliminary schedule of the course, see the attached program. The Bioinformatics Spring School is supported by the HELENA, the Helmholtz München Graduate School.
Submit registrations to the IBIS office ( The number of participants is limited to 30. A bus will leave on the 12th in the morning from Munich/Neuherberg and return on the 16th (estimated arrival 21:30)
H. Werner Mewes
Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl f. Bioinformatik
Institute f. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Helmholtz Zentrum München